Building a Simple Collection Management System in Rust

In this blog post, we'll explore how to build a simple collection management system using Rust. We'll create a program that allows users to add items to a collection, update their quantities, and list all items. This project will demonstrate the use of structs, implementations, HashMaps, and basic input/output operations in Rust.

Setting Up the Project

First, let's start by importing the necessary modules:

use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::collections::HashMap;

We're using std::io for input/output operations and std::collections::HashMap to store our items.

Defining the Data Structures

We'll define two structs: Item and Collection:

struct Item {
    _name: String,
    _quantity: u8,

struct Collection {
    _items: HashMap<String, Item>,

The Item struct represents an individual item with a name and quantity. The Collection struct uses a HashMap to store items, with the item name as the key and the Item struct as the value.

Implementing Collection Methods

Now, let's implement methods for our Collection struct:

impl Collection {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Collection {
            _items: HashMap::new(),

    fn add_item(&mut self, name: String, quantity: u8) {
        let item = Item {
            _name: name.to_string(),
            _quantity: quantity,

        self._items.insert(name.to_string(), item);
        println!("Added an item {} and quantity {}", name, quantity);
    fn update_item(&mut self, name: String, quantity: u8) {
        if let Some(item) = self._items.get_mut(&name) {
            item._quantity = quantity;
            println!("Updated item: {} and quantity {}", name, quantity);
        } else {
            println!("No item in the collection");
    fn list_item(&self) {
        if self._items.is_empty() {
            println!("There are no items in the list");
        } else {
            for item in self._items.values() {
                println!("Added item: {} and quantity: {}", item._name, item._quantity);

Let's break down these methods:

  1. new(): This is a constructor that creates a new Collection with an empty HashMap.
  2. add_item(): Adds a new item to the collection.
  3. update_item(): Updates the quantity of an existing item.
  4. list_item(): Lists all items in the collection.

The Main Function

Finally, let's implement the main() function to tie everything together:

fn main() {
    let mut collection = Collection::new();

    loop {
        println!("1. Add an item");
        println!("2. Update an item");
        println!("3. List an item");
        println!("4. Exit");

        print!("Enter your choice: ");

        io::stdout().flush().expect("Failed to flush stdout");

        let mut take_input: String = String::new();

        io::stdin().read_line(&mut take_input).expect("Failed to read line");

        let choice: u8 = take_input.trim().parse().expect("Failed to convert to integer");

        match choice {
            1 => collection.add_item(String::from("Apple"), 5),
            2 => collection.update_item(String::from("Apple"), 8),
            3 => collection.list_item(),
            4 => break,
            _ => println!("Failed to recognize the choice"),

This function creates a new Collection and enters a loop that presents a menu to the user. Based on the user's choice, it calls the appropriate method on the collection object.

Let's take a closer look at this line:

io::stdout().flush().expect("Failed to flush stdout");

This line is crucial for ensuring that our prompt is immediately visible to the user. Here's a breakdown of what's happening:

  1. io::stdout(): This returns a handle to the standard output stream.
  2. .flush(): The flush() method is called on the stdout handle. In many systems, output is buffered by default, which means that text isn't immediately written to the screen but is stored in a buffer first. Flushing forces any buffered content to be written immediately.
  3. .expect("Failed to flush stdout"): The flush() method returns a Result. We use expect() here to handle any potential errors. If flush() fails, the program will panic with the message "Failed to flush stdout".

Why is this important? In this case, we're using print!() instead of println!() to display the prompt. The print!() macro doesn't automatically flush the output buffer, while println!() does. Without flushing, the prompt might not appear until after the user has already started typing their input, leading to a confusing user experience.

Behavior of print!() vs. println!()

  • print!(): The print!() macro does not automatically flush the output buffer. This means that if you print something with print!() and don't explicitly flush, the output may stay in the buffer and not appear on the screen immediately.
  • println!(): The println!() macro, on the other hand, does flush the output buffer automatically after printing. This is because println!() adds a newline character, which usually triggers a flush on most systems.

By explicitly flushing stdout, we ensure that the prompt appears on the screen before the program waits for user input, providing a smoother, more intuitive interaction.

For more information on input/output operations in Rust, you can refer to the std::io module documentation.

Key Concepts and Rust Features Used

  1. Structs: We use structs to define custom data types. Learn more about structs in the Rust Book.
  2. Implementations: The impl block allows us to define methods associated with our Collection struct. Read more about method syntax in the Rust Book.
  3. HashMap: We use a HashMap to store our items. This provides efficient lookup and insertion operations. Learn more about HashMaps in the Rust documentation.
  4. Pattern Matching: We use match to handle different user choices. Explore pattern matching in the Rust Book.
  5. Error Handling: We use expect() for simple error handling. For more advanced error handling techniques, check out the error handling chapter in the Rust Book.
  6. Ownership and Borrowing: Notice the use of &mut self in some methods, which borrows the Collection mutably. Understanding ownership is crucial in Rust - learn more in the ownership chapter of the Rust Book.

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Jamie Larson